Flash Fiction: For Better, For Worse

This morning, when he said those words after the presiding pastor, currents of excitement ran down your spine, circling and mildly teasing your bowel.

The words “to have and to hold” echoed in your head, your tongue pushing against the inside of your shining teeth. All that the congregation could see was you, a beautiful bride, and him, an excited groom. No one knew of Eniola and her magic fingers, and your Xperia, the one with the “baddest filters” and Instagram, your playground where he found you, you that he declared a good thing.
As he made to lift your veil, you wondered why he never took you for the swimming test, never visited early in the morning or unannounced. You felt he should know so you told him during the procession “for better, for worse can mean with or without makeup”.

He smiled, laughed and smiled again. The world was lost on your joke but you found that look in his eyes at the reception, the uncertainty you had the first time you bought shoes online.

– Tobi Adeb